A unique pearl in the heart of Marmaris...
One of the most prestigious marinas of Eastern Mediterranean, Netsel Marmaris Marina is continuing to serve as the joint enterprise of Torunlar REIT and Koç Group..
Lolling against the unique pine woods of Marmaris, Netsel Marmaris Marina lies like a matchless pearl at the heart of Marmaris bay that seems as a natural lake adorned with the most special tones of turquoise.
Welcome to Netsel Marina...
One of the most important features of this marina is that it is a “city marina”. Neighbouring the historical Marmaris castle and entertainment venues, the marina is only at two minutes walking distance from the city centre.
Netsel Marmaris Marina is one of the safest shelters against unfavourable weather conditions with its strong wave breakers and naturally safeguarded port.